
A Soulful Space, LLC

Better boundaries give us access to our boundlessness

Published 23 days ago • 4 min read

Boundaries - it's a bit of a hot topic in wellness and spiritual circles that seems to be showing up in a lot of other spaces lately.

I see all manner of perspectives shared on the topic and most seem to emphasize a keeping-things-out approach. While this is valid and works for some, I find that it creates an intellectual and energetic obstacle for many people in my world (especially the high sensing folks) because they see it as a barrier to the way they move through the world - like trying to experience the feel of fine silk with a gloved hand.

Many of the empaths and sensitive souls of all sorts that I know are more likely to accept the risks a poorly-boundaried existence poses to their well-being than they are risk the potential impact that they perceive gaining and maintaining strong boundaries might have on their way of interacting with others - this is especially true if their work in the world involves other people (👀 I see all you therapists, healers, teachers, helpers, tenders, and carers).

It creates a damned-if-I-do-damned-if-I-don't sense of frustration - suspecting that they're making long term trades for short term gains but not seeing any valid alternative.

This is a problem that I've spent a lot of time exploring b/c, for a very long time, this was how I operated and I reached the point - many points, actually - where it was clear that I needed to take a different tactic if I wanted to remain open and curious and sensitive in and to the world without feeling like I was forever on an out-of-control roller coaster of energetic highs and lows.

My exploration and experimentation has guided me to some interesting insights that came up recently in a conversation with the lovely souls in the WellSpring membership - a conversation that I've excerpted so I could share it with you here ...

video preview

The video is about 8 1/2 minutes long so if you don't have that time available right now, here's the Cliff Notes version -

1- I am steadily turning up the volume on my sensitivity but it is my sensitivity to myself and I have found that shift in inner posture pivotal to being able to be as sensitive as I wish in the world.

2- We each have an inner knowing of our boundless nature that we sometimes erroneously try to access by blowing out the container for our energetic bodies but it's our bliss body that gives us access to our limitlessness and a lack of energetic integrity blocks us from fully accessing that even subtler aspect of ourselves.

3- We are fundamentally changing the nature of our relationship with ourselves with these practices and that means a lot will change as we go and that is simply not a problem; the changing and the evolving and the shifting is the nature of the journey, it is not indicative of a problem.

If I can leave you with just one thing to ponder it's this - when we approach boundaries with an emphasis on self-containment and energetic integrity, there's far less need to give conscious effort to keeping any boogie-man away.

I always love to hear what's alive for you; hit reply and share any aha! moments or no-freakin'-ways that popped up for you when you listened.

Sending you Love,


PS: Energetic integrity and boundary awareness are key elements in my work with amazing souls like you. If you would like to increase your capacity for being more fully yourself no matter the environment around you, hit reply and let’s talk about working together this season. I offer 3- or 6-month ongoing 1:1 support or we can custom-design a package that meets your intentions.

Here's what I'm up to:

🪷 Need a new yoga mat, mat bag or other yoga prop? There's been some interest in placing an order for Jade Yoga mats this season. If you are in the local area and would like to get an awesome mat (or other JadeYoga item) at a discounted price, let me know and I'll send you the details. Browse what JadeYoga offers here.

꩜ Let's create the life you crave together this year! Work 1:1 with me for 6 months: Meaningful transformation - and the freedom to be in your life as yourself that accompanies it - is created one simple shift at a time; simple shifts that start where you are, honor what you value and do not demand that you clear the slate and start from scratch. The sum of these simple shifts becomes a life that feels more aligned, more spacious, and more attuned to what brings you peace - even when the winds of change inevitably swirl.​ I'm focusing my creative energies on supporting you to make 2024 the year you look back on and say "that's when everything shifted for me". LEARN MORE HERE

🖋 Shi(f)t Happens: musings on the spiritual journey of life: I started a new daily (more or less) public practice this week and you are invited to join me - I'm sharing more of what I'm wondering about, inspired by and turning over in my heart and mind. If you enjoy what I share here in this Soul-Centered Email Series, then you're going LOVE what I share over there - a little less polished, a little more frank and a lot more "me". CHECK IT OUT; IT'S FREE TO SUBSCRIBE

🧘‍♀️ Drop-in to a virtual yoga class this month: that's right - anyone can drop-in to each month's Moving Meditation and Restorative Yoga classes for just $15 with a single class pass; check the calendar for dates and times.

Useful Links:

Visit the Virtual Healing Arts Studio

Access the Soul-Centered Free Membership Playlists

Check out the Calendar of Events

A Soulful Space, LLC

Tawnia Converse | Intuitive Energy Healer, Guide & Spiritual Mentor

I support the space-holders, healers, tenders and carers of the world to create the meaningful transformation they crave one simple shift at a time starting from exactly where they are. My Soul-Centered Email Series is filled with inspiration, information and valuable tools, tips and practices for consciously creating a life that feels more fully yours without having to blow it all up.

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