
A Soulful Space, LLC

Cleaning out the closets of our inner world

Published about 2 months ago • 5 min read

There’s a very practical thing that you can do when you want to make space for new energy in your life - opportunities, relationships, collaborations, money, etc - declutter, clear out and clean.

We often think of “Spring Cleaning” as a purely physical practice that spruces up the environment that we can easily see but it impacts the energy of our space and our lives on even the most subtle level.

To make this already powerful practice even more potent, add in a generous portion of intuition-boosting imagination and your heartfelt intention.

💥 Clearing the cobwebs from around the exterior of your house? Imagine that you are creating a clear path for your wildest dreams to find their way right to your front door.

💥 Corralling the dust bunnies gathering in colonies under the couch? Imagine that you are opening space for your moments of rest to be more fully supported and ease-filled.

💥 Going through your closet to send clothes you no longer wear on to have a new life with someone else? Imagine that you are creating space for the wardrobe you’ll need when you land that new job, go on that dream vacation or give yourself permission to relax into around-the-house ease and comfort.

💥 Sorting through the bins of toys in the playroom? Imagine releasing them as relics of where your favorite kiddo has come to make space for the tools that will support them most in the direction they are headed.

💥 Deleting old emails, photos, text exchanges, files from your electronics? Imagine you’re creating a wide open channel for clear and loving communication to speed its way to you.

These are practices you can engage with anytime but they are especially supportive when you find yourself standing on a threshold in a season of transition - whether its in your outer or your inner world.

We collectively are steeped in these energies at the moment - Spring is quite naturally a space in-between with its fluctuations between where we’ve been (Winter) and where we’re headed (Summer); we just crossed into a new year for Western astrology when we moved into Aries on March 19th (yup, another chance to honor a shift into new energy - you aren’t behind if January flew by and the lunar New Year didn’t feel quite right either); and the Full Moon in Libra was eclipsed earlier this morning offering ideal energetic conditions to clear out what we will not be carrying with us as we move forward.

Whew - it’s a lot.

Last night’s Restorative Yoga session focused on sorting through the closet of where we’ve come from to carry forward only what supports us in where we are going. To be guided through the practice, look in the Soul-Centered Free Membership Space (it’s at the top of the Soul-Centered Themes Playlist); for a self-guided practice of your choosing, here’s a general outline you can use-

~ Connect with your breath and ground into your body and the present moment

~ You can call to mind a specific relationship or situation you wish to work with or bring a broader whole-life perspective to the practice

~ From where you sit in the present moment and with the above intention in mind, imagine that to your left is where you’ve come from and to your right is where you are going; sit with that orientation for a moment

~ Turn toward your left - either in your mind’s eye or physically turn yourself left - and imagine that there is a door (or other opening) in front of you that leads to a storage area for all that has gotten you to where you are from where you came from - memories, patterns, beliefs, tools, relationships, etc

~ When you’re ready, open the door and step across the threshold taking as long as you need to orient to the space before you

~ Take time to explore the space as you feel guided - with an eye toward discerning what remains as a part of where you’ve come from and what moves forward with you to where you’re going

~ When the exploration feels complete, imagine standing near the opening and sending gratitude, love and forgiveness in the direction of where you’ve come from as you feel guided

~ Cross the threshold back into the present moment carrying only what can move forward with you; pause and reorient to the present moment and your breath and body in it

~ When you are ready, turn toward your right - physically or energetically - to face in the direction of where you are headed and pause there for as long as feels useful

~ Express gratitude in your way and then return to your waking life

If you find yourself overwhelmed when engaging with this practice, don’t push; simply pause where you are and breathe without demanding of yourself that you be able to proceed any further. Clearing out the closets in our inner world can sometimes be a very activating process. When this happens, always choose the most loving and generous way of being with yourself in it. If it feels important to you to continue this work, go slowly; returning to the practice regularly and moving forward only as far as your capacity allows. If you’d like to be guided, reach out and we can schedule a session so I can support you in the process.

Consider this a little spring cleaning for your whole self - body, mind, heart and soul - and repeat it as often as you’d like.

Sending you Love,


PS: Need a new yoga mat, mat bag or other yoga prop? There's been some interest in placing an order for Jade Yoga mats this season. If you are in the local area and would like to get an awesome mat (or other JadeYoga item) at a discounted price, let me know and I'll send you the details. Browse what JadeYoga offers here.

Here's what I'm up to:

꩜ Let's create the life you crave together this year! Work 1:1 with me for 6 months: Meaningful transformation - and the freedom to be in your life as yourself that accompanies it - is created one simple shift at a time; simple shifts that start where you are, honor what you value and do not demand that you clear the slate and start from scratch. The sum of these simple shifts becomes a life that feels more aligned, more spacious, and more attuned to what brings you peace - even when the winds of change inevitably swirl.​ I'm focusing my creative energies on supporting you to make 2024 the year you look back on and say "that's when everything shifted for me". LEARN MORE HERE

🖋 Shi(f)t Happens: musings on the spiritual journey of life: I started a new daily (more or less) public practice this week and you are invited to join me - I'm sharing more of what I'm wondering about, inspired by and turning over in my heart and mind. If you enjoy what I share here in this Soul-Centered Email Series, then you're going LOVE what I share over there - a little less polished, a little more frank and a lot more "me". CHECK IT OUT; IT'S FREE TO SUBSCRIBE

🧘‍♀️ Drop-in to a virtual yoga class this month: that's right - anyone can drop-in to each month's Moving Meditation and Restorative Yoga classes for just $15 with a single class pass; check the calendar for dates and times.

Useful Links:

Visit the Virtual Healing Arts Studio

Access the Soul-Centered Free Membership Playlists

Check out the Calendar of Events

A Soulful Space, LLC

Tawnia Converse | Intuitive Energy Healer, Guide & Spiritual Mentor

I support the space-holders, healers, tenders and carers of the world to create the meaningful transformation they crave one simple shift at a time starting from exactly where they are. My Soul-Centered Email Series is filled with inspiration, information and valuable tools, tips and practices for consciously creating a life that feels more fully yours without having to blow it all up.

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