
A Soulful Space, LLC

Energy for 2024 - Sit on your throne đź‘‘. Observe what's true.

Published 4 months ago • 5 min read

And Happy New Year!

I’ve been spending some time thinking about the journey we’ll embark upon together this year through this email series and how I’d like to shape it (it benefits me greatly to have some constraints in place so that I’m not sitting down to a flashing cursor on a blank page twice-a -month and hoping for the best 🙂).

And the word that has continued to come forward for me is “Unbound”.


Unbound. It says a lot in one 7-letter word.


For me, it first invokes the image of breaking loose and flying free - like when a large group of starlings takes flight and fills the sky with an undulating cloud of bird bodies flowing to and fro - and then the more cautious parts of me pipe up with images of floating untethered and disoriented through space - like an astronaut who’s lost their anchor to the ship while on a space walk.


Like I said - a lot in one 7-letter word.


It all invariably leads me to questions and curiosities - How do I know if I’m bound? And to what? Does unbound have to mean disconnected? What’s the inner state of “unbound”? What’s the outer state? And so on …


Again, A LOT in a word.


As I’ve been sitting with it - especially this week in preparation for (and in my incomplete attempts to) write this email - I’ve been observing some prompts and nudges and little hints of the stepping stones that will make up our path forward sprinkled around me like fairy dust and I’d like to share one of them with you today.


An account that I follow on Instagram -@themoontarot - posted something that caught my attention on January 11th - the same day as the first New Moon of the year) ...


It rolled around in my mind all day …

Sit on your throne.

Observe what’s true.

And by the end of the day I had added for myself …

Move accordingly.


After some failed attempts to get this email in your inbox yesterday, I found myself doubting and second-guessing and engaging in some not-so-kind self talk (yup,I still slip into that pattern on occasion) around the whole thing -

Who am I to talk about sitting on your throne when I just want to crawl back under the covers and try again tomorrow?

Who am I to invite anyone to observe what’s true when I’m twisting in the same winds of illusion as everyone else?

Who am I to suggest that we can move from the empowered place when I feel anything other than fully in-my-power at all times?

Who am I …? Who am I … ? Who am I … ?

(Is this pattern a little familiar for you? It’s a common one; you are definitely not alone.)

I've learned that this is not the headspace from which I can create meaningful connection and I simply did not have full access to my more aligned heart-space so I set this aside to try again today.

The interesting thing is that when I hopped on IG today, this was the daily post from the same account -

New date. Same words.

Unusual for this account.


I received it as both validation of my desire to share it and as a gentle reminder that all the doubt, the unkindness and the “Who am I … ?”-ness in my mind are simply echoes of the way I have moved through the world for a long time; they are reminders of what the nature of my relationship with myself has been for many years; and they are representative of what I am consciously and intentionally moving away from.

They are not evidence of all the ways I have failed myself.

They are reminders of many of the ways I have healed, transformed and alchemized all that has come before.

They are a cause for celebration, not a sign of defeat.

And so, dear soul, if you find yourself facing the shadows of what has been - like the ghost of Christmas past who refuses to leave when the bell tolls - and you feel yourself shrinking in the face of them, I invite you to reconsider.

When you hear yourself thinking “this again?!? I thought I’d already dealt with this.”, give yourself permission to pause and wonder how it might be showing you how you’ve evolved rather than how you’ve remained stagnant; how you’ve freed yourself rather than how you’ve remained stuck; and how you are unbound rather than how you continue to be tethered.

This is the energy that I am bringing into 2024 for all of us -


Sit on your throne.

Observe what’s true.

Move accordingly.


I’ll be breaking that all down a little more in my next email (look for it around the Full Moon on 25 January) because it has me curious and turning it around in my hand like a gemstone.


Until then, I leave you with a wish that 2024 unfolds for you gently and with many marvelous surprises.

Sending you Love,



PS: Could you use a little support in connecting to your intentions for 2024? Join me for a free intention-setting workshop tomorrow, January 13th at 2pm ET! Here’s the link to sign-up - Feel free to invite your friends and loved ones to join you as we chart an aligned course forward for 2024 and beyond. I look forward to connecting with you tomorrow.


Here's what I'm up to:

🦋 Soul Deep Sessions - I'm available to support you to live a life that feels more fully yours starting from exactly where you are and without having to clear the slate and start from scratch. Soul Deep Sessions are single 1:1 intuitive energy healing and spiritual mentoring sessions designed to give you a dose of the nourishment you need most in that moment. These sessions are great when you want to soothe your system, set something in motion, think something through, or work something out. LEARN MORE HERE​

✍️ What's Your Intention? charting an aligned course for 2024 & beyond - It’s time to chart an aligned course - one that holds you as lovingly as you hold others; one that supports you as fully as you support everyone else; one that has ample space for you and for all that you wish to show up for in this world - that will carry you through 2024 and beyond. Join me on January 13th from 2-3:30pm for a free 90-minute intention-setting workshop - REGISTER TODAY​

ę©ś 6 Months of 1-to-1 Support with ME! - it's time to approach life from a completely new perspective - one that is uniquely, wholly and lovingly your own and I cannot wait to support you on the journey. Schedule a free 30-minute Connection Call with me today and let's talk about working closely together to make 2024 the year you look back on and say "that's when everything shifted for me". (psst - when you sign-up this month, you'll receive an additional 1:1 session to use anytime during our 6-month journey together). Let's get started consciously creating the simple shifts that invariably usher in all the meaningful transformation that you're dreaming of.



Useful Links:

Visit the Virtual Healing Arts Studio​

Access the Community Library​
Visit the Calendar of Live Classes​


A Soulful Space, LLC

Tawnia Converse | Intuitive Energy Healer, Guide & Spiritual Mentor

I support the space-holders, healers, tenders and carers of the world to create the meaningful transformation they crave one simple shift at a time starting from exactly where they are. My Soul-Centered Email Series is filled with inspiration, information and valuable tools, tips and practices for consciously creating a life that feels more fully yours without having to blow it all up.

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