
A Soulful Space, LLC

I'm creating an abundance of what?!?

Published 2 months ago • 5 min read

Did you know that 2024 is an “8” year (2+0+2+4=8)?

And that 8 is a number of abundance and infinite possibilities (turn the 8 on its side and it becomes ∞ the infinity sign)?

Yesterday was a New Moon - a time where the celestial energies are supportive for planting seeds of intention and beginning to visualize what it is we’d like to see come to life in ourselves, our lives and in the world at large.

So my question for you to consider is this - if you are being supported to consciously co-create an abundance of something in your life with your imagination and with your thoughts, words, and actions today, what are you creating an abundance of?

This is a question that I have been asking myself and it seemed like a good idea to share it with you, especially since we’ve been talking a bit about harnessing the power of our imagination in support of ourselves, our healing and our spiritual journey lately.

Imagine that the air all around you is buzzing with the raw materials needed to spin the threads of your most heartfelt intentions into the tapestry that is your life - like you are programming little nano bots to begin constructing the scenery all around you right now with your thoughts, words and actions.

What commands had you given them before you started reading this?

And is it the nature of the abundance you wish to experience in your life?

Please don’t receive this as a warning or a cautionary tale that leads you to reductive “good thoughts only” self-judgement. All your thoughts and all your feelings and all the sensations in your body are valid and important - they provide you with valuable feedback and incredibly useful information in navigating this earthly existence. Overriding them in favor of some “better” future or chasing some external marker of “success” or “goodness” is never the answer.

AND we can recruit our whole selves in the tuning of the energy in us and around us to match what we most wish to resonate with every single day.

My invitation to you is to set aside some time each day to imagine what it is that you wish to create an abundance of in yourself, in your life and in the world in general.

It might look like this -

⏰ Your alarm goes off in the morning and you sit up in bed, set a timer for 5 minutes and breathe deeply as you sink into the sensations of openness and lightness and softness that you notice in your mind and body. You might imagine what that abundance of openness in your inner landscape might look like if it were mirrored in the outer world.

☀️ You step away from your desk for a moment and sit in a sunny spot near a window and imagine the sun seeping into your whole self, relishing the warmth and the feeling of being energized and supported. Imagine an abundance of this Sun energy is your life - what would it feel like to know this level of support, these reserves of energy and this warmth in your life everyday?

🌳 You go for a walk and lean against a tree for a few moments to feel the abundance of life force that pulses within the tree and flows toward the life force that pulses within you as of magnetized. Imagine carrying this sense of abundance of connection to all living things with you through your life; seeing your innate worthiness reflected back to you from all things.

✍️ You free write in your journal what you wish to experience an abundance of today, this week, this month or this year and then imagine yourself surrounded by that abundance - what does it feel like? Who is you with? Where are you?

If you feel stuck, you might find it helpful to start by acknowledging what you no longer wish to have an abundance of and explore the polarity like this -

I release the ________ and consciously create (or welcome or envision or imagine, etc) an abundance of __________.

↪ I release the drama and consciously create an abundance of inner peace and connection to people and situations that are a calm presence.

↪ I release the struggle/the idea that everything is hard and envision an abundance of ease.

↪ I release the worst-case-scenario-catastrophizing and imagine an abundance of blessings flowing effortlessly to me.

Remember that you have the power to use your imagination in your favor, in support of yourself, in alignment with what you most wish to experience in your world.

Does it mean that no dark clouds will move in front of the sun in your life from here on out? Sorry but no.

But you are not really seeding the outer world with your imagination, you are seeding your inner world - you are seeding your trust in yourself to handle the cloudy days and thunderstorms; you are seeding your love of yourself in having your back when the outer storms rage; you are seeding your faith that you are an inextricable part of the energies that create this world and are never alone even if the fog clouds your view and all outer appearances are to the contrary.

With each of these seedings, you are claiming your joy, your contentment, your birthright as an expression of the Divine on Earth, and your Love.

And what you seed in your inner world ripples outward in all directions - like a stone dropped into a still pond - and the outer world will align to match its resonance.

If 2024 is a year that we are all steeped in the energy of abundance, let’s get clear about what we are creating an abundance of in our lives and in the world. And let’s apply the power of our fertile imaginations, our visualizations, our thoughts, our words and our actions in the direction of the abundance we’d most love to be steeped in.

Sending you Love,


PS: REGISTRATION CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY for the Spring Equinox Day Retreat on March 16th: Join us on the lovely grounds of Pump House B&B for a deeply nourishing day retreat. You can expect a shake-off-the-winter and prepare-to-rise-into-spring event that will have you humming and smiling and feeling soothed - there'll be practices for strengthening your connection with yourself, opportunities to connect with like-hearted souls and delicious food (Lee always overdelivers - in the best way - in the food department). CLAIM YOUR SPOT TODAY!

Here's what I'm up to:

🪷 Day Retreat Alert: In case you skipped over the PS: we're leading a Spring Equinox Day Retreat at Pump House B&B on March 16th and YOU ARE INVITED. Registration is now open - don't delay!

꩜ Let's create the life you crave together this year! Work 1:1 with me for 6 months: Meaningful transformation - and the freedom to be in your life as yourself that accompanies it - is created one simple shift at a time; simple shifts that start where you are, honor what you value and do not demand that you clear the slate and start from scratch. The sum of these simple shifts becomes a life that feels more aligned, more spacious, and more attuned to what brings you peace - even when the winds of change inevitably swirl.​ I'm focusing my creative energies on supporting you to make 2024 the year you look back on and say "that's when everything shifted for me". LEARN MORE HERE

🖋 Shi(f)t Happens: musings on the spiritual journey of life: I started a new daily (more or less) public practice this week and you are invited to join me - I'm sharing more of what I'm wondering about, inspired by and turning over in my heart and mind. If you enjoy what I share here in this Soul-Centered Email Series, then you're going LOVE what I share over there - a little less polished, a little more frank and a lot more "me". CHECK IT OUT; IT'S FREE TO SUBSCRIBE

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A Soulful Space, LLC

Tawnia Converse | Intuitive Energy Healer, Guide & Spiritual Mentor

I support the space-holders, healers, tenders and carers of the world to create the meaningful transformation they crave one simple shift at a time starting from exactly where they are. My Soul-Centered Email Series is filled with inspiration, information and valuable tools, tips and practices for consciously creating a life that feels more fully yours without having to blow it all up.

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