
A Soulful Space, LLC

💡 Imagination is the language of intuition

Published 3 months ago • 5 min read

When was the last time that you let your imagination run wild in the direction of something fun, something frivolous, something fantastical -

✨ turning your house into a castle, a fairy cottage in the woods, or a grand estate with a lush private zoo?

✨ transforming your garden into a magical forest, an arboretum filled with rare plants, or a food-producing paradise open to everyone?

✨ shifting your reality into a landscape of lusciousness and luxury and love, equality, justice and harmony, or wonder, excitement and openness?

✨ noticing a nook in a tree and imagining the family of critters who live there, the fairies who visit, or the tree spirit who protects the tree?

✨ buying a lottery ticket and imagining all the ways that you will put the resources to use when you win? ( I did this recently and it turned into a very interesting and enlightening exercise in abundance and scarcity mindset awareness - I am forever learning)

It’s okay if it’s been awhile - there seems to come a point in life where we bump into society’s expectation that we be more serious and, eventually, we accept it as true.

It happens differently for each of us and perhaps without a conscious decision being made but we arrive to a time when our paints are buried in the back of a closet, the only stories we tell are non-fiction, and our lives become much more oriented around what is practical and reasonable and likely than what lights us up, makes us curious or has our hearts singing.

The challenge is that our imaginations still run wild - like spirited horses kept in a small paddock too long, at the first opportunity to break free, they run like the wind in whatever direction is available to them.

And for many of us this is in the direction of our fears, our frets, and our dear-God-don’t-let-this-happen’s.

So we end up expending a great deal of energy imagining what terrible things might lie just around the corner and completely forget to imagine what wonders might also be waiting there.

And yet we are not bound by it simply because it is what is expected. We are free to untether our imagination from the realm of what’s real and release it into the realm of what we’ve not yet allowed ourselves to consider might be possible.

As Alice reminds us in Lewis Carroll’s classic "Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Why does this matter on the spiritual journey? Because imagination is the language of intuition - and intuition is a language that we can use to be in loving and honest conversation with ourselves. In this way, imagination is also the language of energy - and it gives us access to the subtlest movements and expressions of energy beyond what we can experience through our earthly senses.

I’ll give you an example - on Friday evening I participated in a community healing circle where I guided a group of other lovely souls in being conduits of healing energy (Heather at Mindfully Aligned Energy Spa hosts them regularly; if you are in the local area, check it out).

As part of my practice as an intuitive energy healer, I listen to even the strangest flights of fancy that my imagination offers me when I am in a session with someone.

On Friday this included having six of us walk in a circle around the Reiki table that another participant was lying on - specifically moving counter-clockwise; first with our hands at our sides; then raised overhead; then down low; then back to our sides again; stopping when I returned to the head of the table after I don’t know how many trips around. From where you sit reading this, you might think me a little mad but no one participating in the sessions in that room on Friday batted an eye (that I noticed anyway 😉) b/c it was simply what needed to be done for the benefit of the soul on the table.

Through the years I have developed a trust of these intuitive sparks and a way of being in relationship with them that allows me to hold space for the healing process and journey of others that encourages their wisdom to reveal itself to and through them while my wisdom guides me.

And my experience in being a guide to others has strengthened my trust of the intuitive nudges and swirls of imagination that I encounter in my everyday life as well - I consciously notice how I am guided by Spirit in the most mundane of moments and choices so that when the stakes feel higher and the pressure is on I am leaning into an already well-established relationship with my intuition (and imagination and inner voice and wisdom and …) rather than feeling like I am starting from scratch.

Do you need to tell people to walk around a Reiki table to follow your imagination and tune your intuition? No. That’s my thing - you are free to find yours 😉.

You could start by free-writing in a journal everyday about the most glorious thing you can imagine happening - maybe you begin with something that feels in the realm of the possible and let it grow from there; maybe you start with the fantastical and let it fly; maybe you find a happy medium.

Or you could pull oracle or tarot cards and ask yourself what story they are trying to tell you.

Or maybe you could sit down with a few colored pencils and a piece of paper and create something completely by following your inner guidance - not trying to make it something recognizable; allowing it to be something simply because it is.

Or perhaps you could ask your guides or angels for guidance and write exactly what comes to your mind - whether it makes logical sense or not.

Set your imagination free and you may be surprised what treasure you discover within yourself.

Let your imagination run wild in the direction of your choosing, in the direction of your flourishing, in the direction of your joy and may find that it breaks free in the direction of your deepest worries less often.

Sending you Love (I’m imagining you wrapped in it; I hope you feel it),


PS: REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for our Spring Equinox Day Retreat on March 16th: we're teaming up with the lovely souls at Pump House B&B to hold a Spring Equinox Day Retreat on March 16th. You can expect a shake-off-the-winter and prepare-to-rise-into-spring event that will have you humming and smiling and feeling soothed - there'll be nourishing practices, like-hearted connection and delicious food (Lee always overdelivers - in the best way - in the food department). CLAIM YOUR SPOT TODAY!

Here's what I'm up to:

🪷 Day Retreat Alert: In case you skipped over the PS: (👀 I see all you skimmers - information overload is real), we're putting together a Spring Equinox Day Retreat at Pump House B&B on March 16th and YOU ARE INVITED. Registration is now open - don't delay!

꩜ Let's create the life you crave together this year! Work 1:1 with me for 6 months: Meaningful transformation - and the freedom to be in your life as yourself that accompanies it - is created one simple shift at a time; simple shifts that start where you are, honor what you value and do not demand that you clear the slate and start from scratch. The sum of these simple shifts becomes a life that feels more aligned, more spacious, and more attuned to what brings you peace - even when the winds of change inevitably swirl.​ I'm focusing my creative energies on supporting you to make 2024 the year you look back on and say "that's when everything shifted for me". LEARN MORE HERE

👀 take advantage of the 💜 "Be Your Valentine" Bonus: sign-up before the end of February and you'll get an extra 1:1 session

🖋 Shi(f)t Happens: musings on the spiritual journey of life: I started a new daily (more or less) public practice this week and you are invited to join me - I'm sharing more of what I'm wondering about, inspired by and turning over in my heart and mind. If you enjoy what I share here in this Soul-Centered Email Series, then you're going LOVE what I share over there - a little less polished, a little more frank and a lot more "me". CHECK IT OUT; IT'S FREE TO SUBSCRIBE

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A Soulful Space, LLC

Tawnia Converse | Intuitive Energy Healer, Guide & Spiritual Mentor

I support the space-holders, healers, tenders and carers of the world to create the meaningful transformation they crave one simple shift at a time starting from exactly where they are. My Soul-Centered Email Series is filled with inspiration, information and valuable tools, tips and practices for consciously creating a life that feels more fully yours without having to blow it all up.

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